We are offer a Support Group, Shot Clinic, Syringe Exchange and other services at our office, 3405 Chicago Ave S, Suite 103, Minneapolis, MN 55407, phone: 612-823-1152. We're on the 5 bus line!
Shot Clinic / Syringe Exchange
Shot Clinic Hours: Thursdays 10am-2pm & Fridays 4pm-6pm
Syringe Exchange Hours: Tuesdays 10am-2pm & Thursdays 10am-2pm
Do you inject hormones as part of a doctor recommended regimen? Do you need injection assistance and / or free supplies? Then you should come on down to the Shot Clinic!
The Transgender Health Project Shot Clinic is a group of concerned trans folks helping out other trans folks with their hormone shots. We can help you by administering your shots, teaching you to do the shots yourself and giving you free needles and supplies. We offer a needle exchange, informational / support group time and case management. We can hook you up with doctors and help you with different aspects of your transition
If you want to get your shot done at the shot clinic you will need to bring in your prescription, hormones and ID. Also you will need to sign a Medical Liability Form and fill out a demographic sheet.
Do you inject hormones as part of a doctor recommended regimen? Do you need injection assistance and / or free supplies? Then you should come on down to the Shot Clinic!
The syringe exchange is open to anyone who is an Injection Drug User (IDU) regardless of gender or drug of choice. You do NOT have to be trans identified to use the exchange on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Support Groups
All Trans Support Group: Wednesdays 6-7:30pm & Saturdays 3-4:30pm
Trans Masculine Support Group: Tuesdays 7:00pm-8:30pm
Little Rainbows Support Group: Sundays 10:30am-12:00pm
Gender Jam Support Group: Sundays 12:30pm-3:00pm
Our groups welcome everyone wanting to find support within the transgender and gender non-conforming community. Group topics will be decided by group members, but we will also have sessions specifically on HIV and Hepatitis C prevention, how to safely inject hormones and do your own shot, teaching your family and friends how to you your shot, info on syringe sizes, needle exchange, safer drug use info, nutrition, exercise, SRS surgery info and surgery care, passing, safe restrooms, safer sex, how to come out, name / gender marker change process, where to find health care and other concerns around being transgender. We hope to create a safe space to talk about the stress, anxiety and other issues that come up as being a member of this community. We also hope to have a lot of fun, play some games, watch some movies and simply enjoy each others' company.
You don't have to be on hormones or transitioning to come and even if you don't think you ever will you can still find support within our group. If you are interested you can just show up or email Jay at xxxxx
HIV / Hepatitis C Testing & Counseling
Free HIV Testing: some Fridays from 4-6pm
Hepatitis C testing, Case Management Referral: Call for Appointment
We offer confidential Hep C testing and counseling / education. You may also visit our office if you need a referral to a Case Manager to get help with housing, health insurance, employment, and / or medical care.
Enter either in the back or front of the building. From the front, come through coffee shop and door leading to the restroom and the office will be in hallway on your left. From back, enter through back door and office will be in the hallway on your right. There is a free small parking lot with an accessible spot in back and street parking in front.
Please feel free to get more information from our Health Educator Jay at xxxx.
request a Training
Does your clinic need a transgender health training? How about your front desk staff? Your health care students?
Our organization offers professional trainings on transgender basics and trans specific health concerns to health care professionals, clinic staff, and students in Minnesota.
Based on our experience, the recommended minimum length is 2 hours, and we prefer to have 3 hours or more. If you don't have that much time, please do still contact us and we'll see whether we can do a shorter training for you.
We work with each client to tailor the training to their needs, and negotiate rates on a case-by-case basis.
Recent trainings have included:
"Transgender Awareness in the Healthcare Setting"
"Visit to the Doctor: A Transsexual's Perspective"
"Actualizing a Trans-Friendly Marriage and Family Therapy Practice"
"Transgender 101: Increasing an Understanding of Transgender Clients"
"Women's Health Services and Transgender Spectrum Patients"
To inquire about training, contact us. We will call you back or reply to your email within two business days.
Josh Breeding, PharmD, BCPS, Co-Chair of MTHC
Primary Trainer for the Minnesota Transgender Health Coalition
““Honesty & excellent articulation of issues. Very open to questions, great team/partner presentation style.””